Racing Through Waves Of Radiation

High School, Science

Units included in Racing Through Waves of Radiation 

  1. Laser Tag 
    • 360 Video 
    • Learn about various types of electromagnetic waves as well as the difference between coherent versus dispersed types of light.
  2. Makin’ Waves 
    • 2D Video 
    • Topics Covered
      • Traits of primary & secondary waves
      • Mechanical vs. electromagnetic waves
      • Concepts of amplitude, wavelength, frequency
  3. Marie Curie & Radiation 
    • Read Aloud Book in a Dark room with a flashlight 
    • Curie’s contribution to advances in electromagnetic radiation & radioactivity • History of and science behind X-ray machine technology
  4. Microscopy with Wendy 
    • 360 Video about Microscopes
    • Topics Covered
      • Advantages of digital imagery 
      • Electron microscope vs. light microscope
  5. Neon Pulse 
    • Game 
    • Pick your pace for this classic car racing game that gains momentum with correctly selected answers.

    • Age Group: High School
    • Category: Physical Science
    • NGSS: HS-PS4-1, HS-PS4-2, HS-PS4-3, HS-PS4-4
    • Runtime: 30-40 min

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