My Address Is Earth

High School, Middle School, Science

Units included in My Address is Earth 

  1. Muir Woods National Monument, CA 
    • 360 Video 
    • Feel pint-sized beneath the canopy of the giant Redwoods as you learn about them.
      -Escape the castle and blast past the trolls in this interactive game that tests your knowledge of Earth’s systems.
  2. Cleaning Water with Wendy
    • 360 Video
    • Witness the water cleaning process at various stages alongside Wendy Martin, national award-winning science teacher.
  3. Sea and Sky 
    • 2D Video 
    • Distinguish among our atmosphere layers and characteristics of water.
  4. Where We Live 
    • 2D Video 
    • Learn about biomes and the importance of balance to our overall biosphere.
  5. Escape Room 
    • Castle walk with multiple choice questions 

All lessons are based on Next Gen Science Standards.
All units are related to systems of Earth.

  • Age Group: Middle School
  • Category: Earth Science
  • NGSS: 5-ESS3-1, 5-ESS2-1, 5-ESS2-2
  • Runtime: 25-35 min.

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