Masters Of Design

Engineering, High School, Technology

All of the experiences in this unit take place in our mountain-based research facility.

Units included in Masters of Design

  1. How Power Plants Got Sparked 
    • Read a virtual reality Manga comic book about the history of Thomas Edison and his work to harness electricity.
  2. Snowmaking with Wendy 
    • 360 Video at a ski slope 
    • National runner-up teacher of the year, Wendy Martin, explores how snow is made in a full 360 surround experience.
  3. Solar Cars 
    • 2D Video 
    • Solar cars and the engineering design challenges they face are one of our virtual reality stories contained in this unit.
  4. The Great Wall of China 
    • 360 Video
    • Stand on the Great Wall of China and learn how all the steps of engineering design were used in the building of earth’s greatest work of engineering.
  5. Clouds Over Yonder 
    • Game
    • Soar through the clouds in our game as you answer questions and search for the answers in the clouds.

As always, this unit is chock full of Next Gen Science Standards as each experience is specifically aligned with the most prominent set of standards used in the United States.

  • Age Group: High School
  • Category: Eng. & Tech
  • NGSS: HS-ETS1-1, HS-ETS1-4, HS-PS3-3, HS-PS4-5
  • Runtime: 30-40 min.

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