Dissection Simulator: Frog Edition

Biology, High School

Join Wendy Martin, a national award-winning science teacher, to make Ribbit-ing Discoveries in this virtual reality Frog Dissection. Learn the fundamentals of the female frog anatomy in a fully immersive virtual reality experience.

Learning can take place anytime, anywhere: VictoryVR’s virtual reality frog dissection software is a hands-on dissection opportunity that users can experience through the power of virtual reality. This true to life experience covers each step that a student would take if they were dissecting a real frog in their classroom. Along the way, a hologram of our teacher – national runner-up Teacher of the Year, Wendy Martin – will pop up to provide instruction and information to users.

  • Age Group: High School
  • Category: Life Science
  • Subcategory: Dissections
  • NGSS: HS-LS1-2, LS1.A, LS4.A
  • Runtime: 20-30 min.

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