High School

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Abraham Lincoln and Vicksburg

Visit the town of Hodgenville, KY, where Lincoln was born and stand outside of his childhood cabin.Stand in Lincoln’s front yard in Springfield, IL, where he lived until he moved into the White House.Learn about the Lincoln-Douglas Presidential debates and the...

Circle Of Life

Units included in Circle of Life Nahant Marsh Apiary, IA 360 Video Buzz over this apiary to learn about the importance of the bee population to plants and animals alike. Animal Reproduction  2D Video  Understand the behaviors and mechanics of animal reproduction in...

Solar System Road Trip

Units included in Solar System Road Trip Traveling Our Solar System  Interactive Solar System Diagram Navigate the solar system, stopping at various spots to learn more about each planet along the way. Sun, Earth and Moon  2D Video in a Theater Learn about space...

Solids, Liquids, Gases-Oh My!

Units included in Solids, Liquids, Gases-Oh My! Reed Gold Mine  360 Video  Visit this National Historic Landmark in North Carolina and see where gold was first discovered in America. Matter  2D Video in a Theater Test your knowledge of the properties of matter while...

Americas Lakes And Rivers

Units included in America's Lakes and Rivers The Importance of Water  2D Video  Living Lands and Waters  360 Video River clean up career interview  Board the barge and cruise the Mississippi to learn about water pollution. Nahant March, IA  360 Video  Wetlands Natural...

Analog Vs. Digital: Battle Of The Waves

Units included in Analog Vs. Digital: Battle of the Waves Radio Telescope, North Liberty  360 Video  Check out this unique telescope and learn how its function improves our view of the world. Hedy Lamarr & Frequency Hopping  VR Comic book  A mini-biography of Hedy...

Lunar Learning & Earthly Rocks

In our Lunar Research Facility, have fun with games, challenges and travel to remote locations learning about earth’s formative history. Units included in Lunar Learning & Earthly Rocks Earth’s Interior & Thermal Convection  2D Video  Wildcat Den  360 Video...

Take Flight

Units included in Take Flight  Fail Better  2D Video  Learn how airplanes are constructed to deal with poor weather conditions impacting lift, drag, weight, and thrust. Aerodynamics with Wendy  360 Video  Examine the aerodynamic improvements toward modern space travel...

The Yellow Brick Road To Design

Units included in The Yellow Brick Road to Design  Roswell, NM  360 Video with Voice Over  Test your knowledge of the scientific process by matching each step with its definition. Way of Knowing  2D Video in a Theater  See how using models during engineering projects...

Racing Through Waves Of Radiation

Units included in Racing Through Waves of Radiation  Laser Tag  360 Video  Learn about various types of electromagnetic waves as well as the difference between coherent versus dispersed types of light. Makin’ Waves  2D Video  Topics Covered Traits of primary &...