Cataclysmic Earth

Earth Space, High School, Science

Units included in Cataclysmic Earth 

  1. Tornado Ted 
    • 2D Video 
    • Gain an understanding of how and why tornadoes form, while learning about Tornado Ted, the scientist who studied them.
  2. Biodiversity: Interrelatedness
    • Interactive walkthrough with 2D videos and 3D models on an island 
    • See the myriad connections and delicate balance of humans and various ecosystems. The fate of our future is in our hands!
  3. Iceland’s Geographical Impacts 
    • 360 Video 
    • Witness how environmental impacts affect our geography and climate from various vistas in Iceland.
  4. Monitoring Glaciers with Wendy 
    • 360 Video 
    • Find out if our glacier population is growing or diminishing and what impacts that has on planet Earth.
  5. Neon Pulse 
    • Pick your pace for this classic car racing game that gains momentum with correctly selected answers.

All units are related to weather and climate.
All lessons are based on Next Gen Science Standards.

  • Age Group: High School
  • Category: Earth Science
  • NGSS: HS-ESS2-4, HS-ESS2-5, HS-ESS3-5
  • Runtime: 30-40 min.

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